Ep. 63: Memphis silversmith helps creatives plan for the future

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Lauren Estes is a native Memphian, financial planner and artist, creating copper and silver jewelry and art on copper. Art has been part of her life since she was little with her dad being an artist and having grown up in studios and galleries. Lauren has always done some form of art but finally took it seriously a couple years ago. It helps her find balance.

Everyone is a creative, we just have to take the steps to express it! And most importantly we all have to have a plan in place to be successful whether that is doing a major show or saving for retirement.

What makes you uniquely qualified to discuss financial and artistic freedom for musicians?

I am a financial planner who works with creatives.

What is a crazy-but-true fact about you?

“I have a ridiculous amount of past jobs that I have done that have each created who I am today and from selling futons at 12 to earn money to buy a futon to modeling to working for an art dealer, a law firm, and now I’m a financial planner.”

Why is financial literacy among musicians important to you?

“I have countless musician and artist friends who I have witnessed struggle over the years, specifically with how to handle money as it comes in. The gig economy creates cash and that is hard to manage and the expenses of life are difficult to manage with inconsistent income.”

What is one piece of advice you would impart on the audience?

“Keep good records. If you have income and expenses more than a couple times a month just spend the money on accounting software to help make your life easier.”

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Thanks for listening and keep thriving!