Ep. 67: Vocalist manages mental health while touring the world and singing on your favorite film

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Sarah Eyden is a professional singer / confidence and business mentor for musicians. She has worked as a singer for over 25 years while managing depression and high levels of anxiety due to childhood sexual assault. She felt hopeless sometimes on stage and learnt how to manage it and go on to tour the world, work for Elton John, Tony Bennett and Ozzy Osborne and sing on over 450 film soundtracks at Abbey Road Studios over the past 25 years.

She is now passionate about helping musicians feel confident to apply the business skills needed to help their music career, boost their income and step into their power as a musician with all the business tools they need to succeed.

What makes you uniquely qualified to discuss financial and artistic freedom for musicians?

I have a business helping musicians makes passive and semi passive income and I have doubled my income over the course of 1 year and helped musicians double their income using my methods.

What is a crazy-but-true fact about you?

I am the singing voice behind some A-list hollywood actresses!

Why is financial literacy among musicians important to you?

Because there are some INCREDIBLE musicians out there who are hiding behind ‘starving artist’ mentality when they don’t need to. And therefore we don’t get to hear them. Which is a travesty! The reason they are hiding, in my opinion, is because of their personal money story. They prefer to stay in lack, blaming the industry or blaming other people for not helping them. But underneath is a confidence issue. And the fact they are not taught about this at college. So it is not on their radar to learn. I empower musicians to understand and confront their finances and open the door to what’s possible for them.

What is one piece of advice you would impart on the audience?

If you work on yourself as hard as you work on your instrument you will earn more money.

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Thanks for listening and keep thriving!