Ep. 27: Director of finance builds grassroots music career

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Bree Noble is a recognized expert in the music business community known for helping DIY musicians to build their fan base, to become more creative and productive, and to make consistent income from music. Besides being an in-demand speaker, award-winning Podcaster and founder and host of the annual Profitable Musician Online Summit, Bree has traveled the path of a struggling singer-songwriter herself and understands first-hand the career obstacles and mindset challenges artists face in today’s music business.

Bree’s new book, The Musician’s Profit Path, was released on Amazon in early 2019 and immediately hit the top 10 Music Business Books for Kindle. Bree created the Musician’s Profit Path framework as a direct result of her journey from unknown Indie artist to profitable, professional musician. Her greatest joy is celebrating the success of her students, especially the members of her Female Musician Academy.

Topics discussed:

  • Getting a second degree in finance
  • Becoming a director of finance for an opera company
  • Not knowing how to start a career in music
  • Working for a nonprofit
  • Having a music career while raising a child
  • On the verge of giving up
  • Building up confidence and mindset
  • Treating music like a grassroots business
  • Building an email list
  • Bringing her daughter on tour
  • Playing churches, community organizations and business lunches
  • Starting an online radio station, podcast and community
  • Should you have a fallback?
  • The reality of living in California
  • Using the abundance minset as motivation
  • Taking advantage of urban sprawl
  • Money blocks for musicians
  • Music martyrdom
  • Having sustainability, longevity in your life and career
  • Knowing your boundaries
  • Opportunity cost
  • Can you afford to be a starving artist?
  • The importance of an emergency fund
  • The profit path framework
  • Singing the national anthem for the LA Dodgers
  • The natural tendency to financially self-sabotage
  • Creating an accountability system
  • The potential dangers of reinvesting everything back into your business
  • Pay yourself first
  • Financial ratios
  • The importance of having mentors
  • How to approach a potential mentor
  • Bree’s top piece of advice

Resources and names mentioned:

Connect with Bree:

Thanks for listening and keep thriving!