Ep. 62: Georgia musician creates financial plans while touring the nation

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Ryan Moore is a touring drummer, songwriter and CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™. After working an office job in the financial planning industry for several years out of college and gigging on the weekends, Ryan now tours the country with an artist named Pony Bradshaw and runs a virtual paraplanning company that provides outsourced financial planning services to other financial planning firms.

Why is financial literacy among musicians important to you?

Thinking/talking about money can be a scary thing for musicians often because shame and pride are too involved. Open discussions fight against stigmas. Handling finances as a musician is particularly difficult compared to an office job that may have an HR department at least providing some conversation around money as far as saving in 401(k)s or getting health coverage

What is one piece of advice you would impart on the audience?

Treat your musical pursuits as a job, and be able to separate yourself from that job. It is healthy to go to work and then come home to a personal life. Musicians tend to burn the candle at both which can result in personal lives and careers blurring together. This can affect how you spend your money, how you spend your time, and how you set goals in your life.

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Thanks for listening and keep thriving!