Ep. 65: Music consultant creates inclusive community and coaches independent artists

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Lisa Machac is a music consultant, producer, and the director of Omni Sound Project, an inclusive community for women and marginalized genders in audio engineering. Her writing has been featured in Tape Op magazine and a popular Substack newsletter. She is the creator and host of the Reference Track podcast, which features producers and engineers discussing the songs that shaped their careers.

Lisa coaches independent musicians who are looking to grow their audiences and promote their music. She adds 20 years of community building and marketing experience to a natural enthusiasm for mentoring others.

What makes you uniquely qualified to discuss financial and artistic freedom for musicians?

I work with independent musicians to develop DIY business strategies for growth. I call myself “your manager before you can hire a manager.” Most of what I do is money mindset coaching!

What is a crazy-but-true fact about you?

I recorded an album out of the back of a pickup truck.

Why is financial literacy among musicians important to you?

Musicians have a lot room for growth in developing an abundance mindset. There are PLENTY of folks making a ton of money off the creation of music – musicians should be among them.

What is one piece of advice you would impart on the audience?

Focus on developing business skills (strategic planning, marketing / branding, PR, and finance) as much, if not more, than honing musical skills if you truly want to go pro.

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Thank you for listening and keep thriving!