Ep. 74: Music industry expert pioneers the mindset movement

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Having marketed, mentored and developed over a thousand artists and projects within the highest levels of the music industry, R Wayne Martin is the prolific strategic executive behind the careers of recording artists and music producers signed to his boutique management firm, mthree.

And as the host of the Small Plates Podcast (with subscribers in nearly 40 countries), he is the artist development authority that guides independent artists and their teams through mission critical challenges facing todays professional musicians (and musicians as entrepreneurs).

Wayne’s experience and expertise was honed as an artist development leader in multiple key roles inside major and independent labels (Warner Bros, Sony Music, Knitting Factory & others) and as an executive managing intellectual property licensing for music publishers and music industry organizations (The Harry Fox Agency / National Music Publishers Association).  

Martin often shares his voice with music entrepreneurs on college campuses such as Harvard Law, NYU, and Berklee School of Music, and as a career development expert in the pages oof Billboard, Forbes, The Wall Street Journal, and others.

What is a crazy-but-true fact about you?

I was the first non-attorney music manager to ever address the undergraduates at Harvard Law School.

Why is financial literacy among musicians important to you?

The missing piece for many who desire to have careers in the arts is how to handle foundational not-so-sexy conversations and tasks, but that doesn’t make it less mission critical.

What is one piece of advice you would impart on the audience?

Mindset is everything.

Connect with Wayne:

Thanks for listening and keep thriving!