Ep. 79: Instrument Insurance 101

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Laura Donelan began her career in insurance in 1987 and has experience in Personal Lines, Commercial Lines customer service, Wholesale, and Marketing. She joined SterlingRisk’s Marketing Dept in 1994 and transferred to the Programs Dept soon after, handling all programs, one being property insurance for members of the Local 802 Musicians Union. In 1999 Sterlingrisk teamed up with ASCAP to form MusicPro Insurance Agency LLC as a joint venture. Laura left in 2002 to be a stay at home mom to twins and returned in 2006 to handle MusicPro exclusively. She currently services over 10,000 clients.

What makes you uniquely qualified to discuss financial and artistic freedom for musicians?

I have been providing property insurance for musician’s instrument and gear for 25+ years

What is a crazy-but-true fact about you?

I can do a headstand 🙂

Why is financial literacy among musicians important to you?

Although I’m not a musician myself, I am a big fan and I’m proud to be in a position where I can help artists.

What is one piece of advice you would impart on the audience?

Consider getting insurance on your gear! A loss can easily put you out of work!

Connect with Laura:

Thanks for listening and keep thriving!