Ep. 86: Union actor becomes money coach to destroy the starving artist trope

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In a world where the “starving artist” trope has long been romanticized and accepted, Brooke Tyler Benson, a union actor and money coach, is on a mission to dismantle this outdated narrative. Founder of Not Starving Artists, Brooke leverages her acting background and financial acumen to empower creatives with the tools and knowledge they need to achieve financial freedom.

From Acting to Money Coaching

Brooke’s journey began after she graduated with a BFA in acting. Like many other creatives, she faced significant financial challenges early in her career. Recognizing the lack of financial guidance tailored to artists, Brooke embarked on a mission to merge her passion for acting with financial education. Through her platform, Not Starving Artists, Brooke provides creatives with the knowledge and systems they need to manage their finances effectively, without sacrificing their artistic dreams.

Understanding Financial Stress and Creativity

One of the key insights Brooke shares is the impact of financial anxiety on creativity. She discusses a common misconception: that the struggles of financial instability somehow fuel greater art. Instead, Brooke argues that financial stress constricts creativity. By removing the financial pressures that plague many artists, creatives can unlock their full potential and produce their best work without the burden of stress.

A Redesigned Definition of a Full-Time Artist

Brooke challenges the traditional notion of what it means to be a “full-time artist.” She emphasizes that being a full-time artist doesn’t mean making 100% of your income from your art. Instead, it means having the freedom to pursue creative opportunities and devote as much time and energy to your art as you desire. By redefining this concept, Brooke provides artists with a more sustainable and realistic approach to their careers.

Building Your Financial Systems: The Money Flow Method

Brooke introduces her Money Flow Method, a cash flow system specifically designed for creatives with fluctuating incomes. She emphasizes the importance of awareness as the first step toward financial freedom. This involves understanding your baseline number—the cost of living as you. By identifying firm (fixed) and flex (variable) expenses, artists can gain a clearer picture of their financial landscape. This method encourages creatives to audit their spending, align it with their values, and make informed decisions about their finances.

The Importance of Mindset Work

Alongside practical financial strategies, Brooke highlights the significance of mindset work. She argues that artists need to shift from the “starving artist” identity to that of a “cashed-up creative.” This involves changing the way artists perceive their relationship with money, fostering a sense of financial stability and abundance. By combining mindset shifts with tactical financial systems, Brooke creates a holistic approach to financial wellness for artists.

Support Systems and Professional Help

Brooke also touches on the various financial professionals available to support artists, from money coaches to financial advisors, CPAs, and more. She emphasizes the importance of being a financial CEO in your own life before delegating responsibilities. Understanding how these different roles can support your financial journey ensures that you make informed decisions and maintain control over your financial destiny.

Rethinking the Artistic Journey

Through her work, Brooke Tyler Benson proves that financial education and artistic careers are not mutually exclusive. By addressing the unique financial challenges faced by creatives, she empowers them to build sustainable, fulfilling lives. Whether you’re just starting your financial wellness journey or looking to refine your systems, Brooke’s insights offer invaluable guidance.

Connect with Brooke at notstarvingartists.com and Instagram.

Thanks for listening and keep thriving!

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